Macrovision CEO asks Apple to hand over FairPlay

Fred Amoroso, CEO and President of Macrovision, responded to Steve Jobs’ open letter on Digital Rights Management (DRM) technology. Amoroso published his comments on his company’s Web site, as an open letter. In it, Amoroso suggests, that Macrovision take over stewardship of Apple’s own DRM technology.

Amoroso’s letter addresses what he considers to be four key points: That DRM has a broad impact across many types of content, not just music; that DRM “increases not decreases consumer value;” that it will increase electronic distribution; and that DRM needs to be interoperable and open.

Digital Music Playlist has a good writeup on the open letter. Be sure to check out the comments for a good laugh.

So, what do you think? Be sure to comment and check out the DRM poll on the Xløg main page.  VOTE NOW, VOTE OFTEN!